viernes, 13 de julio de 2007

Quieren que sea salvado..

Paseando por la web encontre una página que me causó gracia.. copio el texto que contenía.

"There has never been a place like Hogwarts. There has never been a writer like JK Rowling. And there has never, ever been a character like Harry Potter. Millions, perhaps billions of us love reading his adventures, and we never want them to end.

But Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is threatened to be the last book in the series, and after that there will be no more adventures for the boy wizard.

However, we believe that one should never say never, and that there's always a way back, no matter who lives or dies at the end of the book. So, please join our campaign to persuade JK Rowling to one day return to the world of Harry Potter. We want to get one million names by July 21st (the launch date for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)."

Para aquellos interesados la dirección de la página es la siguiente:

Igual no se olviden que aunque la saga sí termina con este séptimo libro (a menos que en el futuro Rowling haga una secuela o precuela), se está preparando una enciclopedia donde se recogerían datos históricos, como biografías de los fundadores de Hogwarts, árboles genealógicos de Harry, Hermione, Dumbledore, Voldemort, etc., pociones, hechizos y demás.

No te olvides.. si te interesa hacerlo.. Save Harry!

1 comentario:

noseasloco dijo...

I hate Harry... na que ver con harry potter